2 min readSep 1, 2022

wKFX Airdrop — Masternode verification process

For Governance purposes, we need to verify Masternode Owners.

For doing this, all Masternode Owners must Sign a message with their information and forward it to the KnoxFS team with the provided form.

*This is done using the KnoxFS wallet

Sign the message

Open the wallet and select Settings>Tools> Sign/Verify Message…

Select masternode wallet

Select your MN address, the one which appears in the drop-down menu (You have to sign one message for each masternode)

Sign message

On the Message, you have to add your discord and telegram usernames and your wallet address. This can be your Metamask wallet for instance, as longs as it’s a BSC wallet. This wallet address will be whitelisted to receive the wKFX tokens.
Now click on “Sign”

Complete Google form

Now that message is signed you have to add all this information to the online Google form:
· MN wallet address (the first information)
· Message (with your telegram and discord users and BSC wallet address)
· Signature (the last line)

With this information we will check the ownership of your MN for Governance purposes and whitelist your wallet address.


KnoxFS is building decentralized storage apps that utilize existing storage backends from Sia, and others such as Filecoin, Storj and Bittorrent.